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I am very grateful for the images of your paintings that have amazed me. I greet you fraternally and with admiration.

-Milan Kundera, letter to Gustavo Charif, Paris.- 

How to forget the instant of the first time and the prodigy with Beckett, Octavio Paz, Kundera, Topor, Charif, Houellebecq or Ionesco?
-Fernando ArrabalEl Mundo newspaper, Madrid.-

Dear Gustavo: I applaud intensely your triumphs. A Buddha said, “I want nothing for me if it's not for others”; which made me realize that all good things that others have, are also good for me. A citizen reaches his peak when he learns to celebrate the values of the other person. Your joyous accomplishment, thus, makes me very glad. I consider this a gift to my soul.
-Alejandro Jodorowsky, letter to Charif, Paris.-


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