PAINTINGS click here to see a selection over 100 artworks with details by period
COLLAGES click here to see a chronological selection over 60 works
EXPERIMENTAL click here to see a selection of experimental works
MICRO-PAINTINGS click here and, once there, by clicking on each micro-painting, you will see it in natural size
PAPERS click here to see a chronological selection (in a reverse chronology)
ANALOGITAL click here to read an explanation and see a selection of Charif's analogital works
ACTIONS click here to see a chronological selection of Charif's actions
EXHIBITIONS click here to see a simple list (in a reverse chronology)
STATEMENT click here to read The Treachery of Artists
樗 (AILANTHUS) click here to see the environmental installation made by Charif in Guandu Nature Park (Taipei), 2016.
"Because I never knew how to live out of my nature, I have always been someone who writes.
Perhaps the first part of the sentence should be finished before: because I never knew how to live. Although, sometimes, on a good day when I think that I know how to live, instantly I think that I must delete the word never and, when this happens, I feel wonderful. But it only lasts a moment. Quickly I return to the being that I am, and I write.
Because I don’t know how to live out of my nature, and even while it’s hard to define what exactly nature is, I can express myself with some accuracy only when I write."
-Gustavo Charif: first words of Aperture Card, introduction of Microfilms, Taipei 2016-
NARRACIONES SIMPLES: Primera edición del libro de 33 relatos (incluye 33 imágenes). Click aquí para ver o coprar el libro via Amazon.
SIMPLE NARRATIVES: 33 stories in Spanish (includes 33 analogical images). Click here to see or buy the book via Amazon.
LITBLOG: (texts mostly in Spanish, but also some in Chinese, English, German and French, among other languages)
BITÁCORA DE ESCRITOR: (textos mayormente en castellano, pero también en chino, inglés, alemán, francés y otros idiomas)
NEW (2020)! The Year of Living Locked Up · the first tubefilm in history - click here to see for free!
YouTube CHANNEL click here to see and subscribe
Are They Cannibals? · music video for DIMESLAND click here to see the video and here to buy the album!
FILMOGRAPHY click here to see a detailed filmography (includes projects and works under production)
IMDb (unofficial) click here to see
Among the literature by and about Charif, we select essentials (like Two Letters, the artist’s book with Fernando Arrabal and Milan Kundera, or Profane Alchemy, book that include his Incarnated Manifesto). We exclude catalogues from group exhibitions, such as Kaléidoscopies (2000, organized by the Baron Gérard Museum of Normandy, France, with artists like Camacho, Dalí, Godard, Miotte, Sempé, Olivier O. Olivier and writers like Michel Butor and Michel Houellebecq) or The unreality real (2001, organized by the Fondo Nacional de las Artes, National Endowment for the Arts, Argentina, at the international fair arteBa, with a selection that included Xul Solar and Jorge de la Vega among other great Argentine masters). We neither include the several catalogues from international art fairs.
Click on books to understand less and less.
From 2004 until today, Gustavo Charif developed a parallel work as musician with the pseudonym of Victorio Lenz. But currently Charif is a hidden musician working in different projects under different secret names. Following the link to SoundCloud, you can find only his music as Lenz or Charif, but not the other collaborations where he keeps hidden his identity.
SoundCloud: (track list)
More: (images and links)